Thursday, June 21, 2012

June: Organization, and catching up on The Bachelorette

June has been a crazy month. I haven't been blogging like at all and I have severely neglected my lovely readers. I had some problems with some bad computer stuff infecting my website, blah blah blah, technical stuff, blah blah. It is all fixed now. Also, I traveled to North Carolina to see my family for about a week in the middle of June and decided to bring home my little brother to stay with me for a couple weeks. So things in the  Presley household have been a little crazier than usual. Anyways, back to business.

I have been a little behind on The Bachelorette, thanks to DVR, I can catch up. And catch up I did!

I don't have too much to say about the last few episodes except that Kalon is tool, good riddance.
Also, Ryan is douchey tool, also good riddance.

I love Arie, and they have the strongest connection of anyone on the show. But Sean is adorable and seems like a good fit for her too.

Speaking of 'her'...while I was in NC, I had some down time and I picked up a gossip magazine with Emily as the main story. It painted a not so pretty picture of her. They addressed the points that she is very vain, obsessed with money, and is kind of bitch. I really don't want all these things to be true because I absolutely love her, and considering the source I am going to say that they are most likely just exaggerations of her personality.

Best Quote from The Bachelor/Bachelorette Series:

"I wanna go West Virgina hoodrat backwoods on his ass"
 Anyways, I caught up on the Bachelorette and now I'm hooked back in so expect a  Bachelorette blog next week.


I haven't been into too many new projects recently, because the sheer volume of the unfinished, projects waiting to be done, limited space and time. But I have been trying to organize my family's massive amounts of clothing.

Between baby A, D and myself, we fill about 5 dressers and two very large walk in closets. We have way way way way way too many clothes. (We are in the process of going through and getting rid of a good majority of them)

As most of you know, dear husband has joined the Navy and that means it will soon be moving time, and I don't want to take 5 tons worth of clothes with us, and I really want to pack as few boxes as possible. (If you pack less, you have to UNpack less later on)

On pinterest I saw a neat picture and caption that said fold your shirts with the print/pattern up and store them vertically (see picture). This is amazing. It packs a lot more into a space and you can see everything without having to dig and rummage through the drawer. This would have come in very handy in college and the days of dorm room dressers and closets. Storage space is prime real estate!!

Photo: Organization courtesy of Pinterest! Two drawers into one by careful folding and placement.
This packed about 2 drawers into one!  


I haven't been into too much else, I am getting ready to do lots of painting projects in the next few days/weeks, so expect to see some summer painting posts. Also I am going to try and start making some cool summery accessories so keep watch for that too!

Happy Summer 

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