I have a two year old which means trips in the car can go a variety of ways. But almost every time we travel any distance greater than across town, we usually have some need for those plastic grocery/shopping bags. They are awesome as on-the-go trash bags, dirty clothes containers, or stinky diaper eliminators but they are a nusance to have laying around in your car or crammed in your diaper bag. They also are a bit of a choking hazard. I'm not an over-protective-terrified-of-every-thing-mom, but I do worry about a toddler having easy access to those plastic bags. So finding a way to store them in a cute way was an awesome discovery.
<<<< Turn that into....
Into this! >>>>>>>
I saw a pin a while back about
rolling your plastic bags to pull out of cleaning wipes containers. It links you back to an
awesome website, called tater tots and jello, definitely something to check out!
The instructions are simple and she gives a great photo-full how to guide on rolling the bags.
Its as easy as it seems and you can mix and match the plastic bags you are rolling together.

Once you roll them up and pop them in the container you just load up an 8 x 10 piece of cute, coordinating fabric with
DIY decoupage and stick it on the container. I didn't have spray adhesive handy so I just decoupaged it and spread a little fabric glue I had handy on the container and it worked just as well.
This could make an awesome little gift for anyone! But especially an expectant mother (you never realize the things you actually need when you are mom, until you become one!)
not only is this convenient, it was also fun to do.